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因为遭遇到友情与爱情的背叛而心受重创的日本男子——早濑(渡部笃郎 饰)被日本的一家汽车公司派到上海分公司任职。郁郁寡欢的他结识了上海一对姐妹花。姐姐方敏(徐静蕾 饰)美丽大方,聪慧善良;妹妹方琳(董洁 饰)活泼可爱,青春洋气。姐姐方敏对这个忧郁的绅士产生了好感,同时妹妹方琳也爱上了这个来自异国的英俊男子,她向早濑热情示好,全然忽视与自己青梅竹马的阿德(陈柏霖 饰)的一片痴心真情。心如死水的早濑渐渐被善解人意、温柔善良的方敏所打动,同时拒绝了方琳。而方敏在知道自己身患绝症后,一次又一次地拒绝了早濑的示爱。但最终还是被这个深情的男子感动,两人紧紧相拥。方琳在得知姐姐与早濑的恋情之后,痛斥方敏,让方敏伤心欲绝。方敏的病渐渐恶化,得知真相的方琳向姐姐忏悔。有着深爱自己的男人陪在身旁,方敏露出安静的笑容,躺在爱人怀里静静地离开了人世。
When troubled war veteran Jerry Burton and his sister Joanna relocate to the quiet little village of Lymstock in order to allow Jerry to recuperate from injuries received in what he claims is a motorcycle accident, they are expecting nothing more than country sleepiness and tedium. Much to their surprise, however, they find themselves embroiled in the middle of scandal and secrets; someone is sending vicious poison-pen letters to the residents. A local dignitary has already taken his own life over the letters, and it's not long before local gossip Mona Symmington also commits suicide after receiving a letter. But when the letter-writer apparently resorts to murder, Jerry finds his curiosity stoked despite himself, and he's not the only one; Miss Jane Marple is also in Lymstock, and she's decided that it's long past time someone got to the bottom of this unpleasant business.


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