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改编自咪咕阅读作者心恋一生的签约作品《装修实习生》。  替身演员苏筱筱(柯颖 饰)为了帮助明星方敏(宋昭艺 饰)摆脱费铭轩(陈鑫海 饰)而刻意接近,试图拿到他犯错的证据逼迫他离开,并与其上演了一场经典错爱戏份,殊不知这竟是苏筱筱男友唐宋(李柏言 饰)的一场阴谋。原来唐宋一直游走在苏筱筱和方敏之间,欺骗着两个女人的感情,意图利用苏筱筱扳倒费铭轩,一场“计中计”悄然上演。在费铭轩的帮助下,苏筱筱认清了唐宋的真面目,揭露了他的阴谋……假戏真爱最后在一场场的戏剧里,找到属于自己的调色盘。
江惠娜(尹恩惠 饰)是韩国实力最雄厚的财阀江山集团的唯一继承人。从小过着公主一般锦衣玉食的生活,但由于父母早逝,自小在爷爷严厉的管教下孤独成长的她不知道什么是真正的亲情和友谊,从而造成她蛮横骄纵和以自我中心的个性。徐东灿(尹尚贤 饰),一个为了赚钱当过牛郎的男人。以行骗为生,扛着巨债的他尝尽了人世间的酸甜苦辣。这两个根本就没有交集的男女因为一场小型车祸而相遇,刁蛮公主江惠娜更是因此获得了人生中最大污点——被罚150小时社区服务。正当她要狠狠报复徐东灿时,这个生活在社会最底层的男人却在惠娜爷爷的授意下摇身一变成了她的首席执事。这对欢喜冤家将会擦出怎样的火花,爷爷的良苦用心又会不会成功呢?
Just days ago, Elizabeth Derby (Heather Graham) was a successful psychiatrist with a loving husband and the world at her fingertips. Now, she finds herself locked up inside a psych ward after the murder of a young male patient to whom she had an inexplicable, almost otherworldly attraction. Hoping to clear her name, Elizabeth confides in her doctor and recounts what happened, giving way to a bizarre and disturbing tale of sexual madness, supernatural horror, and homicidal rage. The deeper the story goes, the more unhinged and carnage-laden life becomes, not just for Elizabeth but for everyone in her path.  In this cinematic love letter to the late, great horror filmmaker Stuart Gordon (Re-Animator, From Beyond), the go-for-broke indie veteran Joe Lynch provides an unpredictable and delightfully perverted gift to fans of everything from erotic thrillers to body horror and H.P Lovecraft-minded cosmic mayhem. Written by Re-Animator scribe Dennis Paoli, produced by ‘80s horror maven Brian Yuzna (Society), and co-starring Re-Animator MVP Barbara Crampton, Suitable Flesh will be catnip for those who like their horror equal parts classically minded and progressively unclassifiable.

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