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光绪二十年,西太后(卢燕)六十岁,虽然已「还政」于光绪帝(狄龙),但实际上依然大权在握。又派小太监寇连材(姜大卫),以侍候光绪为名,实作监视。光绪很想有一番作为,但因优柔寡断,致无法摆脱西太后的操纵;幸有珍妃(萧瑶)安慰,但又遭皇后(凌波)等陷害……  第12届金马奖优等剧情片、最佳女主角(卢燕)、最佳彩色影片美术设计(陈景森)  《倾国倾城》(the empress dowager,香港,1975),邵氏兄弟公司荣誉伟构,李翰祥历史宫帏片权威代表作,邵氏旗下大牌明星云集一堂,是一部描绘慈禧垂帘听政三十年后清宫权利斗争的历史巨铸。著名美籍演员卢燕饰演慈嬉太后,破格起用动作明星狄龙饰演窝囊的光绪皇帝,姜大卫饰演的小太监寇连材本是给狄龙配戏的,锋头却直盖主角。影片荣获第十二届金马奖(1975年)- 优等剧情片,最佳女主角(卢燕),最佳彩色影片美术设计(陈景森)。
Miss Jane Marple is shocked when she receives a note from an old friend,Father Gorman only to read in the newspaper the very same day that he was murdered. He had attended a dying woman, Mrs. Davis, who died the previous evening and it was while he was on his way home that he was apparently attacked. The police have put it down to a mugging but the letter Miss Marple received from him intrigues her: a list of surnames and a quote from the bible. The policeman in charge of the case, Inspector Lejeune is skeptical about it all being a murder but when Miss Marple inspects Mrs. Davis' rooms, she finds an identical list to that sent to her by Father Gorman and also a reference to the Pale Horse Inn in Much Deeping, Hampshire. She soon checks into the inn and pursues her own investigation.


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