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This animation series is about some animals on a deserted tropical island, where various things are mysteriously found. Most of them want to cohabit happily: the leader Ovide and his cousin named Saphron, the cook and gardener, both platypuses, the red lizard Polo who's the janitor and muscles, the seagull Groaner, the koalas Do, re and Mi and the kangaroo Mathilda, against whom the evil serpent Cy and his intrinsically gentle helper Bobo the toucan conceive horrible plans, which always fail in the end. Bizarly there is also a TV broadcast with a platypus-announcer. Written by KGF Vissers
故事开始于70年代的北京。郭家的小儿子呱呱坠地,两个哥哥对他疼爱有加。然而,在一场意外中,大儿子失手将邻居杀害,因此面临了锒铛入狱的结局。出狱之后,老大的境遇并没有多少改善,一直在迷惘中度日,最终,他决定前往内蒙寻找自我。  老二以卖菜起家,之后又摆起了羊肉摊子,只要是能赚钱的生意他都有兴趣掺一脚,但是没什么经验和头脑的他却总是在钱上面吃亏。老三进入大学接受高等教育,毕业之后进入股票市场,在师傅的带领之下很快就走上了正轨,生意越做越好。老四有先天性的缺陷,却并没有气馁和放弃,而是不断的努力突破自我,最终找到了人生的价值。


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