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身心的疲劳或烦恼,虽然程度因人而异,大多数人都有这样的困扰。当它累积到无法自行恢复时无法承受的沉重压力会使得人的心智“受挫”。但是,有一群人类肉眼所看不见的女生团体,为了防范于未然而忙着到处由外部注入“气力”。人们称乎她们为“充电娘”。  充电娘也是一个职业,她们所属的NEODYM公司的职能,就是替生活在平行世界(我们的世界)中的“生命深度”明显低下的人类,进行注入“生气”的充电作业,以促使其灵魂的恢复。可是由于充电对象的新陈代谢很急剧,常会出现反效果,不但不能充电,反而会使其受伤,更甚者会危及其生命。这时候就需要绝缘服与接地线、还有探测人类受电级别的生命探测器等先进工具啦。而我们的布拉格大姐,因为她无厘头的个性,在充电中经常忘记接地线而导致被扣薪水……
Based on the 13th Century Borneo sacrificial rituals, “Curse of the Totem” tells the story of Dr. Sani who goes in search of his wife, who disappeared on a genealogy expedition to study the ancient mythical legend of Jerunei ‘Burial Poles of the indigenous Melanau tribe in Borneo.  Burial poles mark burial still exist today as gravestones, marking the loss of other human lives that were sacrificed on behalf of prosperous nobility. Human sacrifice was outlawed in Sarawak Province in the 18th Century.  Combing through the Borneo jungle for answers, each member of Dr. Sani’s team experiences inexplicable hallucinations, malicious disturbances and eventually are haunted by unexplained spirits of the dead. Things take a turn for the worse when one of them is completely possessed by evil forces.
游侠汉克(Hank)  骑士埃里克(Eric)  体操运动员黛安娜(Diana)  魔法师急板(Presto)  盗贼希拉(Sheila)  野蛮人博比(Bobby)  独角兽尤妮(Uni)  27集动画片:几个年轻人在游乐场里玩鬼屋过山车(Dungeons & Dragons )时被神力吸入另一世界,并各自获得了魔法,在Dungeonmaster和独角兽Uni的帮助下,他们克服重重困难,寻找归家之路


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