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Kōji Shiraishi, who became famous for extraordinary horror films like "Noroi", shot this modern pinku eiga as a revenant of sorts of the classic Japanese soft sex flick, which saw its heyday in the 1970s and ’80s.  Underground idol Misa is headhunted by a BDSM club for her supposed—or rather, anticipated—talents as a dominatrix. Seeing the prospect as a challenge at first, the young woman soon uses the S&M sessions to expand her erotic and sexual self-perception by several dimensions at once.  "Safe Word" is part of Roman Porno Now, a project by legendary Japanese studio Nikkatsu celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of its “Nikkatsu Roman Porno” brand.  源自:
在各种歌舞类综艺娱乐节目层出不穷乃至鱼龙混杂的当下,江苏卫视异军突起,将诞生于德国的大型科学类真人秀综艺节目《Super Brain》移植到中国,以全新的综艺风格和冷僻有趣的知识在电视荧屏上吹起了一阵强烈的科学风暴。节目中蒋昌建担当主持人,孟非、陶晶莹、高晓松、魏坤琳等来自各个领域的知名达人组成评委团,此外还请到范冰冰、舒淇、周杰伦、佟大为、宁静等明星担当嘉宾观察员。节目设置晋级赛、挑战赛和中外PK赛,来自中国、美国、日本等国家的科学小队将迎接不同内容的科学挑战,他们通过谨慎推理和脑力激荡解决了一个又一个难题,也在这一过程中让“寓教于乐”得以实现。因此成为全年龄层次的超人气科学类综艺秀!


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