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平静的一天,汤姆家的餐桌上拜访了一只刚刚出炉、香飘四溢的美味烧鸡。馋嘴的汤姆偷偷掰下一根鸡腿,准备带到外面享用。谁知他忙里出错,不小心打破了桌子上的水杯。女主人闻声大喊,汤姆连忙敲打墙壁,叫出了懵懂无知的小老鼠杰瑞,并将鸡腿塞到杰瑞手中。此时女主人刚好赶到,看到拿着鸡腿的杰瑞当然火冒三丈,命令汤姆抓住这个小偷。汤姆耀武扬威,迅速抓住杰瑞跑出门外。他放掉杰瑞,独自美美地享受了那只鸡腿。  平白无故蒙冤的杰瑞咽不下这口气,他看到正在附近睡觉的大狗史派克,于是计上心头,将史派克怀里的骨头棒子偷了出来,塞进正躺在树下打盹的汤姆的手中……
A young woman's corpse is dumped in the library of Gossington Hall, home of Jane Marple's friend Dolly Bantry and her husband Arthur. Pompous Chief Constable Melchett suspects a connection with Basil Blake, an arty young man who lives locally but Blake is dismissive when Melchett visits him. Then Superintendent Harper rings from the coastal town of Danemouth. Ruby Keane, a young girl employed as a dancer at the Majestic Hotel there, has gone missing, and her cousin Josie Turner identifies the corpse as Ruby's. Ruby is in favour with millionaire Conway Jefferson, whose own son and daughter were killed in a wartime air raid, and he wants to adopt her. His son-in-law Mark Gaskell, and daughter-in-law Adelaide react variously to the news. Miss Marple is convinced that the solution to Ruby's murder may be found at the hotel and she and Dolly book into a suite to investigate.
A French diplomat must escape an FSB plot in Siberia.

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