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在一间学院的校园里,一连串无法解释的离奇死亡事件,留下了一个个受害者冻结至死的尸体。一名生性腼碘的大学一年级学生开始怀疑两个金发女郎是整个事件的幕后外星人。  唯没有人相信他,他只有靠自己去救他的朋友...
Young Emma Miller (Danielle Chuchran) would appear to be lucky. This beautiful Amish girl has a loving family and the community's most eligible young man, Jacob (Kellen Boyle), wants to marry her. But she has more on her mind than buggies, bonnets and making her special goat cheese - Emma is secretly obsessed with Jane Austin's Pride and Prejudice and restlessly longs for adventure and travel. When given the opportunity to spend the season helping her widowed cousin Lydia (Meg Wittman) in scenic Charm, OH, Emma jumps at the chance. There she meets an Englischer, librarian Kelly Bennett (Tiffany Dupont), who has come to town to escape her chaotic life. Despite their differences, the two become fast friends. Settling into her cousin's farm, she finds Noah (Trevor Donovan) - a striking, well-read Amish young man who helps work the farm - intriguing, yet vexing. So when Emma's cheese attracts the attention of a local bed-and-breakfast and a handsome wine-and-cheese blog editor, Andy
动画片《我的小怪物》的主人公是AmToy玩具公司于1986年制造发售的一种长毛绒玩具。故事内容是:一个名叫麦克斯的小男孩来到玩具店买玩具,希望能借此找到个新朋友。他发现了一个相貌奇异的紫毛粉脸小怪物,手腕上还带着奇怪的镣铐。麦克斯买下小怪物回了家。他仔细研究那个镣铐并解开了它。于是神奇的事情发生了,怪异的新玩具变活了,身高6英尺,还特别喜欢吃垃圾!紧随其后的是一系列反复无常的冒险,麦克斯和朋友们(包括麦克斯的姐姐Jill和他的朋友Chuckie)一起极力严守小怪物存在的秘密,并保护小怪物不被邪恶的“大怪物”比斯特通过空间门重新带回怪物世界。  本片是怀旧动画中美国作品的上乘之作,当年由央视引进,但十分遗憾,央视安排的时间档期很糟糕,一改以往周末六点半档播映海外动画作品的惯例,而是将本片置于普通工作日夜晚时段播放,大大影响了收视率,以致很多动画爱好者亦对本片印象不深。八十年代后期,随着此款玩具风潮的衰减,该片也逐渐淡出人们视线。


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