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Valencia, 1993. For Ignacio Jordá, sex is his greatest obsession. But Nacho is done with being the black sheep of his family and wants to show he can do more than drift through life, even if that means "fucking" everyone.
Menkes’ spellbinding, formally inventive first feature follows detached sex worker Ida (Tinka Menkes) through the bars, flophouses and swimming pools of East Los Angeles as she moves inextricably towards an unexpected spiritual awakening. Blending poetry by Anne Sexton, Mary Daly and Gertrude Stein, with allusions to Catholicism and mediaeval witch hunts, this stylish and slow-burning psycho-noir builds to a spectacular denouement.
阳光明媚的日子里,风景宜人的郊野乡村,绵羊伯伯淡定自若地晾晒着衣服。而就在不远处,小狼虎视眈眈地盯着老羊。他初出茅庐,只会点儿皮毛武功,但是老大给他派了抓羊的任务,抓不到的话就别想回去。小狼觉得时机成熟,便一个箭步冲了过去。谁知对方是身怀绝技的高手,淡若清风便化解了小狼的全部招数。夜幕降临,小狼被挂在树枝上,早已没了斗志。当他灰心丧气,难过非常的时候,羊伯伯不仅给他拿来吃的,还带着他练习武功。  日子一天天过去,小狼的功夫不知不觉提升上去,而他和羊伯伯也越来越融洽了……


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