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好兄弟柳德荣(余德丞 饰)和齐轻舟(丁子朗 饰)为了考入艺员训练班,决心减肥、增高,并与香港小姐亚军姜之雁(刘颖镟 饰)、星二代温楚瑜(戴祖仪 饰)等人,努力追寻青春一片天。醉心演戏的轻舟为梦想挥洒汗水,但苦无出头机会;德荣却误打误撞一炮而红,两人的演艺路际遇多次交替逆转。德荣视之雁的亲姊姜之妍(伍乐怡 饰)为女神,及后发现默默守护自己的人竟是之雁。后來,轻舟凭无厘头喜剧成名,他与楚瑜的感情却经历离离合合。而一场续约风波,还令德荣、轻舟走到决裂的临界点……
本田透是一个天真、善良、迷糊的高中女生,从小与妈妈相依为命。但一场车祸夺去了妈妈的生命,让小透成了一个孤儿,她带着全部家当搬到山林里,过起了林间独居的帐篷生活。在命运的安排下,小透无意中走进了一个古老大宅,邂逅了奇怪的男子草摩紫吴。原来他是草摩由希的表哥,而由希又是学校里一致公认的王子,这间大宅正是由希的住所。当天晚上林间土石塌方,小透所住的帐篷被土石掩埋,幸好由希和紫吴将她及时救出,让她暂时住进他们的大宅里。   草摩家族几百年的秘密被小透发现,由希、紫吴等人只要被异性拥抱,就会立刻变身为十二生肖中的对应生肖。另一个神秘的少年阿夹,不仅变身为猫而且还隐藏着这个家族中更大的秘密。草摩家族的当家人发令,必须消除知道真相的小透的记忆。而小透一句“就算我的记忆消除了,请你还是继续和我做朋友”感动了由希、阿夹等人,她更像一缕温暖的阳光,照亮了阴雾重重的草摩家族。
When I was a kid I always used to like to read the picture books, then they made them into a TV series on CITV. This was actually quite a good book based cartoon. Wally is a guy in a red and white fleece with a dog dressed the same. Basically every episode, when he felts like it (obviously all the time) he would get his magic walking stick and create a vortex that would transport him to another world, e.g. stone age, spooky, under the sea, jungle, etc. Wizard Whitebeard would be around to see how he was using the walking stick or how he was in the adventure, and the villain (I can't remember his name) in the yellow and black fleece would always try to steal the walking stick. But the main part of the show (hence the title) was when the audience at home have to spot Wally in a freeze frame (because he disappears for some reason), just like in the books. Very good!


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