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“镀金时代”是经济发生巨大变革的一段时期,是大量财富被创造也被损失的一段时期,还是名门新贵激烈竞争的一段时期。  第二季开始于1883年复活节的清晨,Bertha Russell获悉自己对纽约歌剧院的一间包厢的竞价被拒绝了。Bertha将挑战Astor夫人和旧制度,她不仅努力在上流社会中站稳脚跟,还有可能在其中发挥领导作用。George Russell也有着自己的战斗,他需要面对自己在匹兹堡的钢铁厂中日益壮大的工会。Brook家这边,Marian在一所女子学校秘密任教,继续着探寻自己道路的旅程,而令所有人惊讶的是,Ada开始了新的恋爱。当然,Agnes对此不以为意。在布鲁克林,Scott一家慢慢从令人震惊的发现中恢复过来,Peggy通过与T. Thomas Fortune在《纽约环球报》的合作,发挥着自己积极分子的精神。
When I was a kid I always used to like to read the picture books, then they made them into a TV series on CITV. This was actually quite a good book based cartoon. Wally is a guy in a red and white fleece with a dog dressed the same. Basically every episode, when he felts like it (obviously all the time) he would get his magic walking stick and create a vortex that would transport him to another world, e.g. stone age, spooky, under the sea, jungle, etc. Wizard Whitebeard would be around to see how he was using the walking stick or how he was in the adventure, and the villain (I can't remember his name) in the yellow and black fleece would always try to steal the walking stick. But the main part of the show (hence the title) was when the audience at home have to spot Wally in a freeze frame (because he disappears for some reason), just like in the books. Very good!


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