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In an intensely personal and often surprising film for BBC Two, Depression And Me, Alastair Campbell explores if radical new treatments can stop his depression.  Campbell is best known for his role as Tony Blair’s formidable and often contentious spin doctor but, away from the public eye, he has been dogged by crippling bouts of depression for most of his life. Some days, just getting out of bed is too hard. Therapy and anti-depressant medication is helping him keep his head above water - but is that really the best he can hope for?  Alastair Campbell says: “I’ve been on antidepressants for years and years and none of them can stop it. I want to understand my depression and find out if modern science has any better ways of treating it. I’m hoping there’s something out there that can help me lead a happier life.  “I feel we are nearing a tipping point in the battle to demolish the stigma and taboo surrounding mental illness and TV is a very good medium for bringing these issues right out into the open. I have never regretted being open about my own issues but an important part of this film is also seeing my depression through the eyes of members of my family, especially my partner Fiona. I was also keen to get out there and find out what kind of progress was being made on the scientific and research front. There is a lot going on. My worry is that we are winning the battle for better awareness but losing the battle for the services we need.  "I was very pleased with the reaction to the film in Sheffield [at Doc/Fest]. One film alone cannot change the world but there is finally the focus on these issues that we need and hopefully one day we will have services to match.”
在这个世界上有一个不太繁华却宁静祥和的城市乌托兰市,这里的人民爱好和平,彼此友爱。冰球似乎是乌托兰人民的最爱,街头巷尾经常能够看到人们扛着球杆的身影,甚至连圣母玛丽亚、爱神丘比特的雕像都入乡随俗扛起了球杆。这一天,一条令人振奋的消息传遍乌托兰市,世界闻名的萨耶萨耶王国皇家冰球队即将来该市访问,并与乌托兰市冰球队进行一场友谊赛。当地人民欢欣鼓舞,倍为期待,对来自远方的客人给予极大的尊重和礼遇。而另一方,表情严肃傲慢的胡可道将军带领萨耶萨耶王国皇家冰球队抵达乌托兰。  盛大的欢迎仪式过后,精彩的比赛拉开序幕,但是比赛场上奇怪的现象相继发生……

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