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Tom chases Jerry into a fish cannery; they get sealed into cans. Tom breaks out, but falls off a pier as the cans roll under him. A shark chases him out of the water; Tom drops an anchor on the shark. Meanwhile, Jerry has been hopping in his can; Tom opens it, and puts his finger in, which Jerry bites. Jerry tricks Tom into falling off the end of another pier, and right into the shark's path again. The shark manages to get Tom into a very precarious position, barely holding the jaws apart. Jerry takes pity, and dumps a shaker full of pepper into the shark, which ends up on the processing line and stuffed into a huge can. Tom is unrepentant, so Jerry tricks him with a fake shark fin.
该剧以发明创造为主线,描写嘟嘟宝星球上的两位主要人物:发明狂卡卡嘟和他的随从波波嘟。卡卡嘟会发明任何特别神奇、充满智慧和想象力的东西,但这个东西一旦到了波波嘟手里,总会产生意想不到 的效果,反而让发明者卡卡嘟处境尴尬或狼狈。波波嘟看起来傻乎乎的,但其实他常常是大智若愚的;而卡卡嘟看起来极其聪明,但其实常常又是漏洞百出、弄巧成 拙的。这两个人物本身就是一对矛盾,使故事充满了诙谐和幽默,极富逻辑性和想象力,给人以启迪。
在这对备受瞩目的夫妇——格雷斯(朱丽安·摩尔 Julianne Moore 饰)和比她小23岁的丈夫乔伊(查尔斯·梅尔顿 Charles Melton 饰)成名于一本充满八卦的小报之后,他们的浪漫故事已经风靡全国整整20年。如今,他们准备送他们的双胞胎孩子去大学。同时,好莱坞女演员伊丽莎白(娜塔莉·波特曼 Natalie Portman 饰)正在为一部拍摄格雷斯和乔伊爱情故事的电影做着演出准备,为了更好地理解她的角色,她决定前去格雷斯和乔伊的家中生活一段时间。


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