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动画《怪》包含了《四谷怪谈》、《天守物语》、《化猫》三个故事,本作是《怪》的第一部分内容。  歌舞伎戏剧作家四世鹤屋南北,以街头巷尾流传的怪谈为蓝本,创作了东海道四谷怪谈。“四谷怪谈”讲述了一个叫民谷伊右卫门的浪人,为了娶阿岩,把阻挠他的岳父杀死。后来阿岩产下一子,而民谷却开始厌恶她。伊藤家的梅看上了民谷伊右卫门,派人向阿岩送去毒药,设法和民谷成亲。民谷得知后,非但不阻止,还答应了伊藤的亲事。阿岩服下毒药后惨遭毁容,知道了一切阴谋后阿岩惨死,化为怨灵的她立下了断绝民谷家和伊藤家世代子孙的诅咒。  这个怪谈故事被鹤屋南北写成剧本搬上戏台,阿岩的诅咒将一直延续下去……
六年前女主安燃(肖雨 饰)接连遭遇母亲车祸身亡、意外怀孕等变故,产下龙凤胎后又被异母妹妹将儿子夺走,赶去国外。六年后安燃携女归来成功复仇,找回了失散多年的儿子并与孩子的父亲司徒墨(徐炳超 饰)再续前缘。
On leaving work, while Darío Manzano is taking drugs in the car, he receives an unexpected visit from Ginés Chega. At the same time that he points a gun at Darío´s face, he asks about his friend Abraham "El Gitano", whom he accuses of having stolen a lot of money.  Manzano, without knowing what happened, cannot answer anything about it, and Ginés angrily gives Darío a head butt on the nose while threatening him and leaves.  Darío with a broken nose, starts looking for his friend. When he finally finds him, very angry, he reproaches Abraham for stealing from Los Chega, very dangerous people. Trying to find a solution, Darío decides to take Abraham to France so that they will not find him.  That night, during the car journey, Darío suffers a stroke that will cause him to lose control, leaving the road and causing the death of Abraham.  After a few months, the advances in Darío's rehabilitation begin to show results. But everything begins to go wrong due to the accumulation of different events that will put Darío and his family in trouble: defaults with the bank, tensions between them and the imminent sentence of the trial for the accident. To this is added, the pressure from Los Chega to Darío to recover his lost money, since the night of the robbery, Abraham was in the car with Manzano when he suffered the accident.  As a consequence of this, Manzano will live a few hours prior to his entry into prison frantic and full of danger, where he will try to defend, TO THE TEETH OF A DOG, his family.


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