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一个是长年飞在天上的空姐冉静(姚晨 饰),一个是上海某游戏软件公司的设计师陆飞(凌潇肃 饰)。二人因为同住一栋楼的同一层,而有了交集。冉静的空姐制服引起了陆飞的注意,渐渐对冉静心生好感,但无奈没有接触的机会。直到一天晚上,喝醉酒的冉静在小区的长凳上呼呼大睡,被下班回归的陆飞拾到。好心的陆飞把冉静带回自己家,第二天早上引起了冉静的误会。但很快的误会被解除,陆飞在冉静心中留下了“好人”的初印象。生活还在继续,冉静的住宿突然出了问题。房东要把房子卖掉,冉静因此阴差阳错地住进了陆飞的家。公司白领和空姐的同居日子就此开始。
Since the cult success of Merci Patron!, activist/journalist/filmmaker François Ruffin has become an MP. Here, he attempts to table a law aimed at upholding the rights of what in Quebec are known as caregivers, and shows us in passing how a law whose need seems patently obvious is put together, debated, voted on and . . . dies on the battleground of French politics. A stirring documentary about social injustice that somehow manages to make us bust a gut laughing as we rage with indignation. And also cry at the beauty of it all, thanks to the director’s humanist sensibility and a deft play between reality and fiction.


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