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They are in everything from computers to smartphones, from toasters to washing machines: Microprocessors are essential for so many consumer goods to function and now arguably underpin the world economy more than oil.  When the pandemic hit it highlighted how much Western countries rely on the chip industry. Today Europe, America and China are involved in an intense commercial struggle to dominate this sector that is so strategic for the future. From Taiwan to Shanghai, via Brussels and San Francisco, investigative journalist Nicolas Vescovacci went to meet the most influential players in this microchip war, which is redefining world geopolitics.  Narrator: Damien Boisseau  Producer: Michäel Sztanke
春去秋来,北雁南飞,远近一片萧索凄凉的景象。在这个有些清冷的早上,杰瑞的好朋友小鸭子收拾好行李,敲响朋友的门向杰瑞告别,他说要随着野鸭同胞们前往南方过冬。理智的杰瑞提醒他“你只不过是指家鸭,不能飞”,可是小鸭子认为书本上的解释全是胡说八道。不管怎么样,小鸭子毅然决然地出发了,他穿过篱笆、游过小河,徒步来到了野外,不但没有飞起来,反而累得气喘吁吁。这一次,他借助弹弓的力量弹射起来,却没留神钻进了汤姆的嘴里。  面对眼前的小可人,饥饿的汤姆自然不会轻易放过。这边小鸭子还在想方设法飞翔,那一边汤姆则早已磨刀霍霍,目露凶光……
捕鱼时不幸落水的小猫咪被大伙救上岸后,哭喊着要妈妈,乌鸦慌里慌张帮它去找妈妈,结果找来和它看起来很像的熊猫和老虎,闹了笑话。不过第三次,小猫咪的妈妈给它找对了。  大伙细瞧老虎和猫咪,发现它俩除了体积有别,其余几乎一模一样,纷纷议论起来。老虎夸口自己比猫咪本领大,大伙不信,要它俩比赛。两场比赛下来,善用技巧的猫咪赢过只知使用蛮劲的老虎,不过猫咪可一点也没骄傲,相反,它开始耐心将自己的本领传授给老虎。


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