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The dream of sending humans to Mars is closer than ever before. In fact, many scientists think that the first person to set foot on the Red Planet is alive today. But where should the first explorers visit when they get there?  Horizon has gathered the world's leading experts on Mars and asked them: where would they go, if they got the chance - and what would they need to survive?  Using incredible real images and data, Horizon brings these Martian landmarks to life, from vast plains to towering volcanoes and from deep valleys to hidden underground caverns. The programme will also show viewers where to land, where to live… and even where to hunt for traces of extra-terrestrial life.  This is the ultimate traveller's guide to Mars.
乳黄色的满月升上天空,夜深人静,万籁俱寂。已经穿好睡衣睡帽的唐老鸭,长长地打了一个哈欠,困意十足,他叮嘱自己要早睡早起。他慢悠悠地走到房子中央,放好折叠床准备入睡。但是这个夜晚注定不太平常,先是脑袋磕到了床帮,接着鹅毛枕头又不小心弄破。好不容易一切齐整,闹钟滴答滴答的声音又令唐老鸭不胜其扰,即使将闹钟塞进抽屉,也无法阻挡滴答声钻进耳朵。愤怒的唐老鸭将闹钟扔向墙壁、扔出窗外,谁知一不留神闹钟钻到了肚子里。这下好了,他无法摆脱掉恼人的声音。为了能顺利睡觉,他必须想方设法把闹钟弄出来。  可怕的不眠夜,唐老鸭徒劳奋战……
故事发生在名为宫神学园的私立高中内,在这所学校里,存在着一个权利凌驾于教职员之上的学生会组织,名叫极上生徒会,在这所以学生为中心运作的学校里,极上生徒会不仅要维系学校正常的运作,还要解决发生在校园里的大大小小的麻烦。  兰堂梨乃(田村由香里 配音)是刚刚转来宫神学园的转校生,哪知道竟然在误打误撞之中被选中成为了极上生徒会的书记。含着金汤匙出生的会长神宫司奏(生天目仁美 配音)、肩负着沉重家族使命,辅佐神宫家的副会长金城奈奈穗(野田顺子 配音)、身份背景身份神秘,为某情报部门工作的银河久远(清水香里 配音)、每天都因为学校财政吃紧而头疼的会计市川真由良(泽城美雪 配音),和兰堂一起学习工作的,是这些可爱的女孩子们。


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