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Dreamy animated images in detailed henna painting and atmospheric watercolours dominate a young Spanish artist’s moving journey of discovery. In a small bookshop in India, Inés comes across the feminist-utopian science fiction story “Sultana’s Dream.” It is about the terrible revenge on men, the bookseller explains. In the slim volume she wrote in 1905, Rokeya Hossain describes the fantasy realm of Ladyland – a land in which women are self-determined and live in peace, in which they run all government affairs and all forms of education are open to them. And the men? Their place in Ladyland, the bookseller continues, is where they belong: locked up at home.  Fascinated by the literary “painting” of this place and its inventor, Inés sets out in the footsteps of the writer and teacher Hossain, who championed education and equal rights for Indian girls and women as early as the beginning of the 20th century. The trip takes the Spaniard across contemporary India. Her companions are the dreams of Ladyland – and the utterly different realities of the lives of the women she meets on her journey.  源自:
风靡全美的卡通片《猫狗/Catdog》是世界著名的有线儿童频道——尼克国际儿童频道(Nickelodeon)的优秀原创卡通片。  这个动物一边是猫一边是狗(如图),被称作“猫狗”,它们从出生时就“住在一起”,这不是件容易的事,因为它们之间的矛盾是不可调和的。狗喜欢摇滚乐而猫不喜欢;狗生来喜欢追垃圾车,而猫却不是。它们的个性如此鲜明,然而却又是最好的朋友。它们团结友爱、互相支持——当然,它们没任何选择。  “猫狗”诞生于1998年,在美国尼克国际儿童频道播出后即获得非常高的收视率,同传统的卡通角色相比,刚刚六岁的“猫狗”性格更为鲜明、现代,矛盾冲突更为激烈。“猫狗”作为一种特别的生物完全生活在人类的社会中,故事情节也与现实生活结合得非常紧密。“猫狗”会一起打工、打高尔夫、参加同学聚会,最有意思的是狗还会对猫毛过敏。  “猫狗”的创造者,著名卡通制作人彼得·汉拿说:“‘猫狗’告诉我们只要有爱心,懂得包容和理解,无论性格多么不同都可以成为一辈子的好朋友和合作伙伴。如果真的有‘猫狗’,我一定会养上一只。它们最大的缺陷就是没有什么个人隐私。可是说到感受友情和伙伴关系这一点,没有人会比‘猫狗’更棒了”。  据悉,《猫狗》除了是成功地原创卡通片之外,还衍生出了多款以猫狗为主题的电脑游戏。


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