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A variety of fanciful innovations in "future" T.V. sets, including a model with a built-in stove, and a number of highly interactive models. And of course, even with dozens of channels, there's nothing on...or more accurately, there's nothing but the same Western.
小猫妙妙和咪咪是一对性情相反的姐弟,一个勤劳听话,一个贪玩懒散。太阳出来了,妈妈要它们起床,妙妙一骨碌爬了起来,咪咪却要赖会床;洗脸的时候,咪咪更是玩起了吹肥皂泡的游戏。  三母子来到河边钓鱼,妙妙坐在妈妈身边认真的垂钓,咪咪却一会儿捉蝴蝶一会儿扑蜻蜓,结果,妈妈和妙妙手拿许多鱼回家,咪咪两手空空。坐在饭桌上等鱼吃时,妙妙和咪咪因为钓鱼和吃鱼发生争吵,妈妈劝慰一番,喵喵明白了钓鱼要专心,不能三心二意。
Inspired by Hans Christian Andersen's classic tale, this series narrates all the misfortunes and adventures of the most famous duck in history as he meets new friends.  When the ugly duckling hatches in Mother Duck's nest by mistake, everybody thinks he's the ugliest duckling around. But in time he wins the hearts of all the animals on the farm - and at last becomes a beautiful swan.


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