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A young man who wants to be a novelist, Hikari, has been working in a small bar in a bar since the evening. The store's beautiful mom, Mirei Yokoyama, had an inner husband, but one day she is in prison and frustrated, and one day she has a relationship with Hikari. On the other hand, Kanae Shiratori (Chinami Sakura), who has been secretly aware of the talent of light since college, was a magazine editor, so she published a novel of light to her boss so that she could see the sun. One morning, under the light resting on a park bench, a woman named Akane Akane in a glittering costume appears barefoot and is asked to hide herself after chasing her.
創立122年を迎える私立百花王学園。  この伝統ある名門校で生徒の階級を決めるのは“ギャンブルの強さ”。  勝者には地位と名誉が与えられ、敗者は財産も尊厳も奪われる。  この学園に、一人の少女が転校してくる。彼女の名は蛇喰夢子。  一見するとお淑やかなこの美少女は、いかなるリスクもいとわない常軌を逸したギャンブル狂だった。  学園を支配する桃喰綺羅莉率いる生徒会は、夢子を危険な存在と判断し、百戦練磨の刺客たちを送りこむ。  壮絶な駆け引きと騙し合いを制したものだけが勝てる、究極の己を賭けた心理バトルが、さらに加速する―!


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