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NUMB3RS is a drama about FBI agent Don Eppes (Rob Morrow), who recruits his mathematical-genius brother, Charlie (David Krumholtz) to help the Bureau solve a wide range of challenging crimes in Los Angeles. The two brothers take on the most confounding criminal cases from a very distinctive perspective.    Inspired by actual cases, the series depicts how the confluence of police work and mathematics provides unexpected revelations and answers to the most perplexing criminal questions.    A dedicated FBI agent, Don couldn't be more different from his younger brother, Charlie, a brilliant mathematician who, since he was little, has yearned to impress his big brother. As a seasoned investigator, Don deals in hard facts and evidence, whereas Charlie, a math professor at a California university, functions in a world of mathematical probability and equations.    Now, despite their disparate approaches to life, Don and Charlie are able to combine their areas of expertise and solve some killer cases.
本动画片根据俄罗斯民间传说故事改编,幽默的动画将恋爱的精髓说尽。  鹭向鹤求婚,鹤眼里只见他的缺点,一口回绝,鹭转身刚走,鹤便觉得他的缺点未尝不是优点,跑去找鹭,说自己有心嫁他,这回是鹭端起架子,说自己改变了注意,鹤气得扭头就走,鹭想了一会,赶紧去追,可是鹤理都不理。雨天让鹤觉得和鹭一起生活会好过一个人孤零零地过日子,再去找鹭,鹭又是一副拒绝的表情……就这样,鹭和鹤在嫁娶问题上反反复复,一会好得恨不得一辈子都不分开片刻,一会又想对方迅速在自己眼前消失。


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