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很久很久以前,生活在黄河流域的保安族饱受风沙魔王的虐待。魔王驱逐善良的民众,将富饶土地变成黄沙废土。关键时刻,一位勇敢的老爷爷用拥有神力的腰刀刺瞎魔王右眼,暂时吓退了这个可恶的家伙。此后一百年,保安族迁徙到甘肃金石山,但是水源短缺威胁着他们的生存。老爷爷的孙子朵娃自告奋勇前往黄河源头,寻求白神马的帮助。白神马答应了朵娃的请求,将清澈的泉水送给金石山。谁知,这一幕被魔王的走卒——猫头鹰吃叫子看到,它唤醒沉睡的魔王,要将灾难再次施加到保安族人民的头上……  本片根据保安族民间传说改编。
奥斯卡(田岛令子 配音)是名门之后,由于家中没有男丁,于是从小就被当做男孩养大。十四岁那年,奥地利和法国进行政治联姻,奥地利公主玛丽(上田美由纪 配音)即将嫁给法国王子路易(安原义人 配音),父亲将奥斯卡送入了宫殿侍卫队,赋予了她保护玛丽的重任,只为了家族能够在腥风血雨的宫廷斗争之中拥有自己的一席之地。
Growing up in France i saw this cartoon when i was around 6. The series revolves around a girl who would meet different characters each show whilst being constantly pursued by a horrendous demon. This demon scared me immensely at the time, but i still loved the show for its overall brilliance. The opening song is pretty good as well. For anyone that likes fairy tales this is a definite must see cartoon. The style of the cartoon's colours as well are very unique and interesting. I always found myself cheering for Clementine as she seemed to be fighting the neverending battle of good and evil. That being said the demon dude was one hardcore looking bad guy    歌声响起来的时候,一切在尽眼前


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