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延续了第一部的风格,继续对经典童话进行善意的颠覆。  史莱克和费奥娜公主度完浪漫的蜜月后,回到沼泽地。受费奥娜的父母哈沃尔德国王和莉莲王后的邀请,怪物夫妻带着他们的驴子,浩浩荡荡赶往“遥远国”。  国王和皇后见到分别多日的女儿和乘龙快婿,惊喜变成惊吓,灾难似乎也从此开始。  公主从前的仙女教母,很早前就曾叫自己的儿子“魅力王子”去城堡里屠龙救美,可惜让史莱克抢先了一步,她找到了童话中鼎鼎大名的怪物杀手穿靴子的猫,准备抢回自己心目中的媳妇。
The martial world is now awash in one-armed knights, who aren't inclined to make any permanent alliances among themselves.
This is a story of a PVC awardee brave Indian soldier - Capt. Vikram Batra, who shot to fame and became a household name during the Kargil War in 1999. His indomitable spirit and his unflinching courage in chasing the Pakistani soldiers out of Indian territory contributed immensely in India finally winning the Kargil War in 1999.


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