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年过而立的孟皓(邓超 饰)出身名流高干家庭,其本人担任某公司总裁,风度翩翩尚且单身的他俨然一个身价不菲的钻石王老五。他毫不留恋争先谄媚的狂蜂浪蝶,偏偏喜欢上了正就读某高校中文系的大四学生林雨馨(车晓 饰)。某启事件让孟超认识到雨馨内心的纯洁与善良,于是他不顾女孩已有男友郝良(杜江 饰)的事实,展开了勇往直前的追求。对于双方父母来说,郎才(财)女貌,不啻为一桩美满婚姻,但是雨馨固执地喜欢着家境贫寒的男友,无奈严峻的现实令有情人天各一方,孟皓则如愿娶到心爱的女孩。  婚后的生活平淡无奇,在近距离的接触中,曾有着巨大鸿沟的两个人开始相互理解,彼此欣赏。一切看似美好,殊不知真正的爱情比将经受最严苛的考验……
Based on the 13th Century Borneo sacrificial rituals, “Curse of the Totem” tells the story of Dr. Sani who goes in search of his wife, who disappeared on a genealogy expedition to study the ancient mythical legend of Jerunei ‘Burial Poles of the indigenous Melanau tribe in Borneo.  Burial poles mark burial still exist today as gravestones, marking the loss of other human lives that were sacrificed on behalf of prosperous nobility. Human sacrifice was outlawed in Sarawak Province in the 18th Century.  Combing through the Borneo jungle for answers, each member of Dr. Sani’s team experiences inexplicable hallucinations, malicious disturbances and eventually are haunted by unexplained spirits of the dead. Things take a turn for the worse when one of them is completely possessed by evil forces.
劇場版「美少女戦士セーラームーンCosmos」  2023年初夏 2部作連続公開!  セーラー戦士、最後の戦いがはじまる―。  STAFF  原作・総監修:武内直子 監督:髙橋知也 脚本:筆安一幸  キャラクターデザイン:只野和子 音楽:高梨康治 美術監督:空閑由美子(スタジオじゃっく)  アニメーション制作:東映アニメーション、スタジオディーン  C A S T  三石琴乃、金元寿子、佐藤利奈、小清水亜美、伊藤 静、福圓美里、  皆川純子、大原さやか、前田 愛、藤井ゆきよ、野島健児 ほか


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