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The Real Ghostbusters was an American animated television series based on the hit 1984 film Ghostbusters. The series ran from 1986 to 1991, and was produced by Columbia Pictures Television, DiC Entertainment and Coca-Cola. "The Real" was added to the title over a dispute with Filmation and their Ghost Busters properties.[1]. The series continued the adventures of paranormal investigators Dr. Peter Venkman, Dr. Egon Spengler, Winston Zeddemore, Dr. Ray Stantz, their secretary Janine Melnitz and their mascot ghost Slimer.  Dr. Peter Venkman was the group's first-among-equals. While not their official leader, Venkman often made the decision whether or not they would take a case. He also provided comic relief and was usually nominated for tasks no one else wanted to do. Dr. Egon Spengler, a scientific genius, provided the technical expertise the group needed to understand (and many times combat) the ethereal realm. In many episodes Egon formulated the solution when all hope seemed lost. Dr. Ray Stantz was portrayed as an excitable jack-of-all-trades. He was second only to Egon in technical genius, while still remaining a child at heart. Winston Zeddemore (sometimes spelled "Zeddmore") was the courage of the group; his accuracy with the proton gun was his forte. Of all the Ghostbusters, Winston Zeddemore had the least character development in the cartoon series, even though he did star in a few episodes.
Ideya Garanina's “Crane Feathers” (1977) based on a Japanese fairy-tale is another stunningly poetic work of art using stop motion armature animation.
桌子上摆放着一只精美的中国瓷盘。盘子上的画优美雍容,洗练飘逸,画中自有一番异国情趣。在遥远的中国,某达官显贵过着奢华无比的生活,吃饭期间仆人会趴在地上充当桌子,旁边还有专门的乐师和舞女演奏歌舞。乐音缭绕,华贵安详。富豪家有一个尚未成年的小女童,她正在河边玩耍,却不慎落入水中。少年渔夫听到了呼救声,连忙将女童救上岸来。他们两小无猜,尽情玩耍。渔夫扑打蝴蝶,结果吵醒了正在睡觉的富豪。富豪大发雷霆,抽出利刃便要杀掉这个胆敢太岁头上动土的穷小子。  渔夫和女童携手奔逃,而那个凶神恶煞一般的富豪则在后面穷追不舍……


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