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克莱(杰森·斯坦森 Jason Statham 饰)在乡下养蜂,平静度日。与其交好的房东奶奶帕克(菲利西亚·拉斯海德 Phylicia Rashad 饰),被一场网络诈骗卷走了所有慈善筹款,崩溃自杀。克莱获悉真相后,孤身勇闯诈骗集团复仇。追查中,克莱挖出诈骗团伙背后盘根错节的利益集团,面临疯子特工、权势财团、FBI的接连围剿,游离法律之外的暗卫组织“养蜂人”也牵扯其中,克莱的真实身份也浮出水面。克莱能否凭一己之力对抗滔天罪恶?新的“疯暴”正在袭来……
君主制国家威斯帕尼亚王国因发现奇妙的矿石而引起世界关注,然而此时却发生悲惨事件,该国女王萨克拉•阿尔蒂亚和王子吉尔•加乌尔突发意外身亡。公主米拉•朱丽叶拒绝继承王位,与此同时国内也掀起反对米拉合要求取消君主制的狂潮。在这种纷乱的情况下,米拉和奇斯伯爵出访日本。在公主的欢迎宴会上,米兰险遭暗算,无法忍受这一切的她偷偷逃了出去,却在日本街头遭遇与自己长相一样的小兰,渴望正常人生活的米拉于是和小兰互换了身份。倍感蹊跷的柯南偷偷展开调查,而另一方面,大盗鲁邦三世潜入威斯帕尼亚企图偷窃该国世代相传的钻石王冠。事态变得混乱起来……  本片为日本电视台开播55周年和读卖电视台开播50周年共同纪念作品。
In the majestic tropical island of Palawan, three environmental crusaders confront murder, betrayal and political corruption in this thrilling documentary about land defenders battling to save and preserve paradise in the Philippines.  The island of Palawan in the Philippines contains one of the oldest, largest and most diverse rainforests in the world. It is also one of the most dangerous places to be a land defender. Inside this majestic tropical island, environmental crusaders confront murder, betrayal and battle to save their home for the next generation. Bobby Chan, a local environmental lawyer, leads a bold group of renegade land protectors who guard the rainforest by peacefully confiscating and dismantling the chainsaws of illegal loggers. The battle also rages on behind closed doors. Mayor Nieves Rosento of El Nido is fighting for her political life as her entire family is slandered by her opposition with support from the land developers and infamous dictator President Rodrigo Duterte. Delikado is a timely environmental thriller on how corrupt corporate and political interests are swallowing small Indigenous communities across the globe by diminishing their resources and limiting their power, one tree at a time.

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