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Yana hates Filipino men. For her, the perfect man is Moon Shi Woo, a dashing Korean actor from the Korean dramas that she always watches. Yana's dream comes true when she flies to Korea to join fans from all over the globe to meet Moon Shi Woo at an exclusive fan event. During the event, the fans compete for the attention of the star, but Yana finds herself falling for Jae, the actor's manager, instead.
The plot is set during the Balkan war in the early nineties. Haunted by horrible nightmares, Harlan Draka wanders the countryside, shamelessly making money pretending to be a Dampyr (half-human and half-vampire) ridding villages of what the villagers naively believe to be evil monsters. But, when he is summoned by soldiers who are under attack by real vampires, Harlan finds out the truth: he is a Dampyr. While trying to destroy a terrible Master of the Night, he will have to learn to manage his powers and find out more about his origins.
巍巍康熙王朝即将落下帷幕,皇位的归属引来诸位皇子的明争暗斗,偌大皇宫之中,一派祥和的外表下杀机四伏,凶相迭出。恰在此时,一个本该在21世纪过着平凡生活的少女洛晴川(杨幂 饰)意外穿越到了这个波谲云诡的时代,她是一名考古系的学生,对历史有着浓厚的兴趣。在这里,她凭借丰富的史学知识在皇宫中博得一席之地,也结识了早在历史书籍上便已熟悉的胤禛(何晟铭 饰)、胤禩(冯绍峰 饰)等阿哥,在交往中更与他们产生了感情。在夺嗣之争中,晴川见识到了宫廷勾心斗角之惨烈,也亲眼见证了与史书所载不一样的历史。


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