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由于比武,被自己打成重伤的柔术大师村井离开了人世。姿三四郎(藤田进 饰)觉得心中愧疚,无法面对爱人,所以远走他乡。当他重新踏上故土,却路遇美国大兵欺负弱小平民,正义凛然的他挺身而出,击退了不可一世的美国人。此后,他发现了很多在利用功夫 谋生而不是弘扬武学真义。在拳击比赛现场,他赫然见到一位武学泰斗要跟美国拳击手过招,只为用出场费养活生计。姿三四郎的内心非常挣扎,他觉得有必要为重塑武学精神做些事情。他破了三戒:喝酒、打斗、并在公开场地表演,只为重新打破某种陈规瓶颈,树立柔道之新意义。这时,两位空手道拳手前来挑衅,他们的父亲因为跟姿三四郎的比武而身受重伤,所以他们苦心修炼发誓报仇,一番龙争虎斗迫在眉睫……
1979. Donald Lavoie is a fearsome hitman who works under the orders of Claude Dubois, the boss of the Montreal South-West mob. The assassin takes under his wing the young rookie Serge Rivard, a hotheaded small-time crook who soon compromises him in a dirty double murder. Thanks to the lawyers dearly paid by the Dubois clan, Donald escapes justice but that's only a temporary setback for Detective Sergeant Roger Burns, who tries to tries to convince Lavoie to become an informer. To test his killer's devotion, Dubois asks him to eliminate someone close to him. When he disobeys the order, Donald joins forces with other criminals to plan a bank robbery to finance his exile to the South. Hunted by the Dubois clan on one side and Burns' investigators on the other, Donald finds himself caught in a tightening vise.


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