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本片可以看做“菲律宾版《喜宴》”,Noel和Mark一对身处纽约的菲律宾情侣,两人平淡而幸福的生活却因为Mark母亲的一次拜访而扰乱,而且这次 “拜访”看似要长期居住让两人很苦恼,并非母亲不知儿子是同志而是不满意这位未曾见面的“儿媳”,Noel很想讨“岳母”的欢心却得到了百般刁难~在相处的过程中两人发现了只要真诚相待就会互相理解和宽容,快乐时光总是短暂的其实Noel一直有病在身并且复发,Noel虽然战胜了病魔但最终也无法阻止死神的到来,Noel和Mark母亲的感情在冲突中彼此增进,最后两人放开一切摒弃前嫌走向了新的生活,这是一部平淡的电影但并不是一部乏味的电影,有欢笑有感动而且会带给我们很多思考。请静静的欣赏本片吧。BY---OACFAN
一年一度万众期待的圣诞节就要来啦!芭比(Diana Kaarina 配音)和妹妹斯盖普(Rachel Harrison 配音)、斯黛茜(Lauren Lavoie 配音)以及凯西拉(Ashlyn Drummond 配音)一起乘坐飞机前往纽约,准备庆祝这一盛大的节日。不幸的是,他们的飞机遭遇了风暴,不得不迫降至一个非常偏僻的小镇里,这也就意味着,或许他们将要在这个看起来破破烂烂的地方庆祝他们的节日了。
Based on a same-name 2013 short from Higginson, Relax follows Casper (Darby), a charming, but embarrassingly underprepared time traveler, now trapped in the past. When he befriends Holly (Graham), a jaded drifter, she helps him exploit his trivial knowledge of the future for a series of quick payouts, oblivious to the consequences they have set in motion. When tracked down by a more competent time traveler, Casper and Holly are forced to figure out what they mean to each other and whether the future they’ve threatened is even worth saving. Will they embrace their fate, or do they have the courage to change it?


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