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洪兴社经多年发展,基本已将生意转入正行,老当家忠叔出于义气接受海龙社当家的请求,拜托警界多年好友林森对海龙社毒品生意网开一面,岂料两人会面时遭人行刺。林森遇害,忠叔为避嫌只得远走台湾,将社团事务交予三个儿子。  英国留学归来的反黑组警官梁振邦(张耀扬 饰)办案讲求原则,与忠叔脾气火爆的次子阿武(黄光亮 饰)多有摩擦,三子小玉(刘德华 饰)为人冷静,梁警官和他几次接触,彼此留下颇深的印象。另一方面,强运社当家阿飞挑拨海龙社与洪兴社关系,两方人马厮杀不断,小玉一再克制,对方反而得寸进尺杀害大哥阿文。忠叔返港引发两方决战准备,梁警官亦率领警队严阵以待……
A young woman's corpse is dumped in the library of Gossington Hall, home of Jane Marple's friend Dolly Bantry and her husband Arthur. Pompous Chief Constable Melchett suspects a connection with Basil Blake, an arty young man who lives locally but Blake is dismissive when Melchett visits him. Then Superintendent Harper rings from the coastal town of Danemouth. Ruby Keane, a young girl employed as a dancer at the Majestic Hotel there, has gone missing, and her cousin Josie Turner identifies the corpse as Ruby's. Ruby is in favour with millionaire Conway Jefferson, whose own son and daughter were killed in a wartime air raid, and he wants to adopt her. His son-in-law Mark Gaskell, and daughter-in-law Adelaide react variously to the news. Miss Marple is convinced that the solution to Ruby's murder may be found at the hotel and she and Dolly book into a suite to investigate.
Adult Swim 宣布制作科幻动作冒险题材原创动画剧集《Ninja Kamui》,朴性厚(《咒术回战》导演)执导,岡崎能士(《星球大战:幻境》)负责角色设计,E&H Production 和Sola Entertainment 共同制作。  故事讲述忍者 Kamui为了逃避自己的血腥过往,脱离忍者组织,隐姓埋名地生活着。然而由于他背叛了忍者古老的信条,一天夜晚,他的家人被前组织的暗杀者残忍杀害。为了给亲人复仇,Kamui重新化身为从前的自己。然而,二十一世纪的忍者是一个时代错误,因为他们要以残酷而古老的技巧对抗高科技武器。Kamui要面对训练有素的刺客、战斗机器人以及其它强大的忍者,来推翻他的前组织。


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