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Unable to find inspiration for his newest piece, young author Liam (Daryl McCormack) takes on the titanic weight of tutoring the son of legendary writer J.M. Sinclair (Richard E. Grant) and his wife Hélène Sinclair (Julie Delpy). Reeling from the mysterious passing of their eldest son, the Sinclairs push Liam to work harder and invite him to stay on the estate grounds with them. Soon enough, lies big and small unfurl as a well-intentioned exercise quickly transforms into a saga of lust, betrayal, jealousy, and the quest for legacy-defining relevance. A battle of wits begins with everyone carrying much to lose.  Delpy, Grant, and McCormack all make triumphant returns to Tribeca in a drama bubbling with explorations of authorship and the inextricable link between family, no matter how broken. Thrilling and darkly comedic, the project questions the efficacy and sour ethical dynamics which may arise from mentorship and the tenuous hopes and dreams many wrap around that very concept.
這是奧特曼歐布起源的故事。  遙遠銀河彼方的惑星 O-50(O-Fifty)―  好不容易才走到在那秘境上聳立的「戰士之顛」的2位青年,凱(石黒英雄)及Jagras Juggler(青柳尊哉),向能夠看清擁有優秀資質之人並授予成為「光之戰士」力量的眩光伸手。光選擇了凱,得到聖劍Orb Caliber的凱成為了奧特曼歐布。  凱及Juggler為了從Dr. Saiki(和泉元彌)操縱的宇宙惡魔别西魯卜的威脅中守護人們而出發。向王立惑星Kanon襲來的Saiki,要求交出繼承戰神之血的女王Amate(福田沙紀)。將軍Raigo(榎木孝明)主張先發制人攻擊,女王Amate下命讓近衛隊長Shinra(前川泰之)與Saiki進行對話。  聲稱自已目的是「創造沒有紛爭的宇宙」的Saiki。尋求真正和平意義的年輕光之戰士・凱。  賭上全宇宙的First Mission(第一個任務)現正開始―。


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