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After a period of ill health, Miss Marple leaves St. Mary Mead for the tropical Caribbean paradise of St. Honoré, where an English couple - Tim and Molly Kendall - run a quaint little resort called the Golden Palms. Among the many guests, which include the innocuous Hillingdons, their unseemly American friends the Dysons, and gruff business tycoon Jason Rafiel, is garrulous Major Palgrave, who is friendly to all - much to everyone's chagrin. When Palgrave launches into his infamous storytelling routine one afternoon, only an uninterested Miss Marple is his audience. Talk quickly turns to murder, and Palgrave coyly asks her if she'd like to see a photograph of a serial killer. But before he can pull it out, he sees something - or someone - and quickly changes the subject. After a night of excessive drink and entertainment, including a voodoo show, Palgrave is found dead in his room the next morning - the cause of death being a heart attack...
一枚8平方英尺大的小天体坠落印度,造成数十人的伤亡,可更严重的是,一枚大约60平方公里大的小天体将于7天后冲入距离金奈50公里的孟加拉湾,那将会改变印度版图以及导致4000万人丧生  唯一的办法就是在这颗天体越过安全线之前用核弹引爆,使之一分为二,使之偏离地球.可问题来了,要引爆这枚天体,需要当量20万吨的核弹,而因为核安全条约,各国最大当量的核弹只有2万吨.怎么办呢?据黑市军火商的消息,有一枚当量20万吨的核弹,是中国的(之后对中国方面贬得比较低,不过电影就是电影,一笑而过吧),秘密存放于中国的空间站.  于是,印度军方请来几个神偷,上天偷中国核弹.可是航天飞机发射后,却有一个神秘的声音跟主偷通话,说绑架了他儿子,要他偷到核弹后交出核弹,不要用来引爆天体......  PS:此片据说是印度首部太空科幻片


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