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米歇尔(科洛维斯·科尔尼拉 Clovis Cornillac 饰)是一个浪漫到骨子里的男人,他相信“缘分天注定”,无怨无悔地等待着他生命中注定的那个女孩。文森特(马努·派耶 Manu Payet 饰)是米歇尔的好友,在各色美女之间兜兜转转,他终于同一位名叫娜塔莉(Annelise Hesme 饰)的女子擦出了爱情的火花,于是,尘埃落定的两人开始操心起了米歇尔的终身大事。  在文森特的安排下,米歇尔和名叫安吉拉(维吉妮·艾菲拉 Virginie Efira 饰)的女孩在一场派对上“偶遇”了,一场意外让安吉拉深深的被米歇尔所吸引,米歇尔终于步出了“剩男”的队列。然而,没过多久,米歇尔便发现,原来他和安吉拉的相遇是一场“阴谋”,深感被背叛的他选择了黯然离开。
A young woman spends a day in some non-place between town and countryside, has random encounters and watches stones skip over the surface of the river. Tatsunari Ota’s film explores a world without productivity and finds joy in idle time and playfulness.
"A troubled antiwar activist plans to assassinate the President of the United States. His resolve forces others in a fragmented and disillusioned group of political allies to face the threat of government counterintelligence and the temptations of middle-age security, and to reexamine their commitment to radical action."

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