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(CCTV9 引进的《野生链》,曾在高清翡翠台播出粤语译制版,名为《本是同根生》)  Six-episode miniseries aiming at discovering why two very different regions of the planet, very far away from each other, are so rich in biodiversity; two unique places on Earth that serve as natural bridges between continents.Central America is a strip of land connecting two large land masses, a small region with an extraordinary natural richness. The Iberian Peninsula is the most bio-diverse region of Europe, acting as an umbilical cord between Africa and Europe.Both places are defined as “biological bridges”. In six episodes, we will discover the keys to their huge wealth and the reasons why they are so exceptional.
Three sisters aged between seven and 15, who live alone as their mother vanishes for whole swathes of time, and when social services demand a family meeting, the eldest sister, Laura, plans to find a stand-in for their mother.
中士约翰·金利(杰克·吉伦哈尔 饰)最后一次在战场上执行任务,在他和当地翻译艾哈迈德一起调查该地区时,他们的部队在巡逻中突然遭受到伏击,幸运的是,两人还活着,不幸的是,只有他们两人成为了幸存者。在伏击中金利受了重伤危在旦夕,这无疑增加了他们的逃跑风险,在敌人穷追猛打的追击下,艾哈迈德冒着生命危险带着受伤的金利穿越数英里岖崎地形,终于到达安全地带。回到国内后,金利得知艾哈迈德和其家人并没有像承诺的那样获准离开战区,他决心报恩并保护艾哈迈德及其家人,他重回战区在当地民兵到达之前救出艾哈迈德一家。


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