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故事发生在第二次世界大战期间,为了躲避战乱,瀑谷省三郎(尾形一成 饰)远赴中国,在一家夜总会中靠着演奏长号维持生计。长久以来的孤独和压抑扭曲了省三郎的性格,他开始变得沉默寡言。战争结束后,省三郎回到了故乡,结婚成家。  妻子的怀孕给省三郎带来了久违的快乐,让他没有想到的是,儿子托尼(西岛秀俊 饰)的诞生伴随着的竟然是妻子的死亡。随着时间的推移,托尼慢慢的长大了,他早已经习惯了阴沉冷漠的父亲,以及孤独无援的童年。之后,托尼考入了美术大学,开始将精力和时间投入到了艺术创作上面,在艺术方面颇有天赋的托尼很快就取得了不小的成就,亦改变了托尼的人生轨迹。
人生就像海洋,我们每个人都是生活在这片海洋里默默发光的“鱼儿”。 只身闯入未知世界,用态度对抗外界喧嚣,用实力迎接未来挑战。 这一次,褪去旧日光环,回归音乐本真! 这一次,用作品说话,用努力成就舞台! 保持热爱,奔赴山海。放声歌唱,筑梦启航。 百分百开麦,邀你一起见证新生代音乐人的100%全开麦舞台!
柏林电影节特别展映  21-year-old Cioma Schönhaus won't let anyone take away his zest for life, especially not the Nazis. He wants to discover life, but has the misfortune of living as a Jewish person in Berlin in the 1940s. Since the best hiding spots are in plain sight, Cioma decides to go out into the light to escape deportation. Using the identity of a marine officer he created for himself, he throws himself into the city's nightlife and even finds a fragile hope for love during the darkest moments of the war. Throughout the day he forges IDs with just a brush, some ink and a steady hand - and saves the lives of many others. His talent puts him in more and more danger, though, and at some point Cioma's only hope to survive is a last forged ID - with his own name on it.

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