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人间体乡秀树的梦想是成为一名出色的赛车手,可这个梦想在第一集中破灭了——乡秀树为了救一个为救小狗鲁莽行事的小孩而不幸被残暴的怪兽杀害。和他共事的挚友坂田(女朋友秋子的哥哥)把他们刚合作完成的赛车点燃以悼念死去的乡。  当乡又复活时所有人都感到不可思议,乡被杰克·奥特曼赋予 了新的生命。此后,他就可以变身成为杰克·奥特曼为保护地球而战斗了。杰克奥特曼是强大的奥特战士,同时也是热爱人类的宇宙英雄。
Set in Nizhny Tagil, Russia, Summer journeys nostalgically through the warm middle-Ural summer with eight-year-old Vadim and his half-sister Christina. They enjoy evening festivities with their older teenage friends by the fire, go on mellow skateboard rides, and have a quiet daytime nap in the garden house. Caressed by the sun and the warmth of his relatives, hidden in the quiet tranquillity of the garden and far away from the cruelty of the outside world, Vadim enjoys his childhood days. Acting as a serene lullaby that mimics the movements of a gentle breeze, Summer provides warmth, joy and solace, offering hope and strength for the future.


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