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While visiting her friend Dermot in Little Ambrose, Miss Marple is drawn into investigating the death of Eddie Seward, whom she'd met on the bus and who is found having apparently drowned in the river.Within a few days however, there is a second suspicious death, that of Mary Pritchard who seems to have died from fright. She was disliked by many and had recently caused a scene when her husband George was inaugurated as the Captain of the local golf club. Even Dermot disliked her as did her sister Philippa, who was once engaged to George, whom she described as the love of her life. Phillipa ended up marrying George's brother, Lewis Pritchard, and they are constantly having money problems. A third death - this time one of George Pritchard's former mistresses - convinces Inspector Somerset that George, who conveniently confesses, is the murderer. Miss Marple thinks otherwise and sets out to prove it.
故事发生在一个架空的世界之中,邪龙“达钢索德”的频繁现身令整个世界都陷入了危机,魔导士们挺身而出,想要将邪龙封印。锡洛(松冈祯丞 配音)的父母便是其中的两位,不幸的是,封印任务失败了,锡洛就此成为孤儿。这段悲惨的遭遇让锡洛更加坚定了继承双亲遗志的决心,在16岁那一年,他踏上旅途,目标只有一个,就是封印邪龙为父母报仇。  一路上,锡洛遇见了形形色色的伙伴们。身世成迷的单纯少女萨拉特(市道真央 配音)、身手矫健特立独行的盗贼艾琳(内田真礼 配音)、成熟稳重身体强壮的麒鲁(楠大典 配音),在这些伙伴们的帮助和支持之下,锡洛在不断的成长着。


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