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Future of Food In the past year, we have seen food riots on three continents, food inflation has rocketed and experts predict that by 2050, if things don't change, we will see mass starvation across the world. This film sees George Alagiah travel the world in search of solutions to the growing global food crisis. From the two women working to make their Yorkshire market town self-sufficient to the academic who claims it could be better for the environment to ship in lamb from New Zealand, George Alagiah meets the people who believe they know how we should feed the world as demand doubles by the middle of the century.  【India】  George joins a Masai chief among the skeletons of hundreds of cattle he has lost to climate change and the English farmer who tells him why food production in the UK is also hit. He spends a day eating with a family in Cuba to find out how a future oil shock could lead to dramatic adjustments to diets. He visits the breadbasket of India to meet the farmer who now struggles to irrigate his land as water tables drop, and finds out why obesity is spiralling out of control in Mexico.  Back in Britain, George investigates what is wrong with people's diets, and discovers that the UK imports an average of 3000 litres of water per capita every day. He talks to top nutritionist Susan Jebb, DEFRA minister Hilary Benn and Nobel laureate Rajendra Pachauri to uncover what the future holds for our food.  【Senegal】  George heads out to India to discover how a changing diet in the developing world is putting pressure on the world's limited food resources. He finds out how using crops to produce fuel is impacting on food supplies across the continents. George then meets a farmer in Kent, who is struggling to sell his fruit at a profit, and a British farmer in Kenya who is shipping out tonnes of vegetables for our supermarket shelves. He also examines why so many people are still dying of hunger after decades of food aid.  Back in the UK, George challenges the decision-makers with the facts he has uncovered - from Oxfam head of research Duncan Green to Sainsbury's boss Justin King. He finds out why British beef may offer a model for future meat production and how our appetite for fish is stripping the world's seas bare.  【Cuba】  In the final episode George Alagiah heads out to Havana to find out how they are growing half of their fruit and vegetables right in the heart of the city, investigates the 'land-grabs' trend - where rich countries lease or buy up the land used by poor farmers in Africa - and meets the Indian agriculturalists who have almost trebled their yields over the course of a decade.  George finds out how we in this country are using cutting-edge science to extend the seasons recycle our food waste and even grow lettuce in fish tanks to guarantee the food on our plates.  He hears the arguments about genetically modified food and examines even more futuristic schemes to get the food on to our plates.
Four young men leave boyhood behind and shed more than just their clothes and inhibitions in Writer/Director Daniel Armando’s new film. Shy Manuel and gay, adult video star Max travel to New York City for a video shoot. Manuel's older brother, Jorge, dances away the emotional toll of an abusive relationship while Fabian, a young Puerto Rican hiding his homosexuality, navigates the world of a first-time father. When the worlds of these four men collide, they explore the depths of their sexuality and find their lives changed forever.
在暴风雪时常光顾的南极大陆的海域上,漂浮着一个企鹅岛,这里生活着多达5000只企鹅,它们不惧迫人的严寒,悠哉游哉地享受美好自在的日子。正是交配繁衍的季节,企鹅美都各自寻找心仪的配偶。一只打扮帅气潇洒的雄企鹅偶然见到美丽的雌企鹅,瞬间便为对方所慑服。为了讨得新上任的欢心,他钻入附近的池塘捕捉小鱼,谁知阴差阳错捉上来一条气泡鱼。雌企鹅不明就里,吞下了追求者奉上的礼物,结果被气泡鱼撑大了身体,更如撒气的气球一般飞来飞去。雌企鹅羞愧难当,恼羞成怒,毅然决然抛弃了雄企鹅,转身跳入海中游泳。  正在这时,凶恶无比的鲨鱼悄悄向她逼近……


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