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该剧大胆改编格林童话,CLAMP 设计角色,横手美智子编剧, 宫川彬良谱写配乐,WIT Studio 制作动画!  从前从前,雅各布和威廉两兄弟将各地的童话搜罗成册,他们有个亲爱的小妹妹夏洛蒂,天真好奇的她,有天一如往常听哥哥说故事,脸上忽然露出惆怅的表情,纳闷地问:“你们真的觉得他们永远幸福快乐了吗?”  夏洛蒂现在透过独特视角诠释雅各布和威廉的故事,谱出一首截然不同的变奏曲。
The workers of a self-managed tea factory decide to go against the grain and play by their own rules. The problem is, how can you plan, work and survive in a world driven by ruthless competition? One day at a time, for instance. In a world ruled by profit and dominated by the exploitation of the weaker ones, the film literally offers an alternative set of ways about how to think our future and the means and tools to work for it. It is not an easy job but, as Taste of Hope carefully and precisely shows, there is still a lot that can be done if we change our relationship to production and labor. Instead of making grand gestures or political statements, the filmmaker works with the camera and with a thoughtful editing in order to understand how to weave together new possibilities of communal existence. The result is a superbly crafted observational exercise. A little manual of self-defense and resistance in the face of a neoliberalism that wishes for workers to keep their heads down. A taste of hope indeed.

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