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《中华德育故事》内容涉及中华五千年历史中有关传统品德中孝、悌、忠、信、礼、义、廉、耻八个方面。每个品德之下,分别列举古代圣贤名士嘉言懿行典故,以活泼的动漫形式展示出来。《中华德育故事》大道通天收录104集德育故事(分四部),2008年、2009年、 2010年在中央电视台电影频道进行播放,内容感人至深、每一则故事都向我们展现古人的智慧,开显我们本性本善的心。本片适宜各阶层人群观看,如企业、学校、孩子经常观看,逐渐扎下德行的根基,懂得孝敬父母、友爱关心同学;帮助家长和孩子一起学习成长,提升精神境界,带动社会良善风气,真正使中华传统文化绵延不绝。
Tom chases Jerry into a fish cannery; they get sealed into cans. Tom breaks out, but falls off a pier as the cans roll under him. A shark chases him out of the water; Tom drops an anchor on the shark. Meanwhile, Jerry has been hopping in his can; Tom opens it, and puts his finger in, which Jerry bites. Jerry tricks Tom into falling off the end of another pier, and right into the shark's path again. The shark manages to get Tom into a very precarious position, barely holding the jaws apart. Jerry takes pity, and dumps a shaker full of pepper into the shark, which ends up on the processing line and stuffed into a huge can. Tom is unrepentant, so Jerry tricks him with a fake shark fin.


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