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六千年前,魔神皇枫秀与七十二根魔神柱从天而降,所有生物沾染魔神柱散发的气息,立刻会变异成魔族生物,人类随之进入黑暗年代。随后,人类强者自行组织六大圣殿,阻挡魔族前进的脚步,逐渐形成人魔共存的局面。  主角龙皓晨,为救母加入六大圣殿之一的骑士圣殿成为一名骑士,在一步步成长冒险中,奇遇,诡计,命运般的爱情与友情不断在他身上上演。龙皓晨坚守骑士精神,通过自己的人格与努力,赢得他人认可。他先是与六大圣殿其他天才少年组成“1号猎魔团”对抗魔族,为人类的生存与尊严奋战。同时不惜献出生命,守护自己的伙伴与最珍贵的爱人。而世界的局势变化难测,更多的阴谋在酝酿,更深的秘密也等着他却揭开。
Ana is alive and married with Antonio; they arrive in the manor in the countryside of Spain where she worked as a nanny many years ago, for the centennial birthday of the matriarch. In their reunion, she finds that Jose died three years ago; Juan left his wife Luchy; Fernando is still living with his mother and unsuccessfully trying to fly a hang glider; and the three little girls are grown-up. Further, she discovers that the dysfunctional family is completely broken, and Luchy in embezzling mother's money. When Juan arrives for the celebration, he plots with Fernando and Luchy to kill the mother to get the inheritance. Meanwhile, Antonio has a brief affair with Natalia.

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