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泰妍将担任《Queendom Puzzle》MC,5月公开参演艺人阵容,6月首播。
The Real Ghostbusters was an American animated television series based on the hit 1984 film Ghostbusters. The series ran from 1986 to 1991, and was produced by Columbia Pictures Television, DiC Entertainment and Coca-Cola. "The Real" was added to the title over a dispute with Filmation and their Ghost Busters properties.[1]. The series continued the adventures of paranormal investigators Dr. Peter Venkman, Dr. Egon Spengler, Winston Zeddemore, Dr. Ray Stantz, their secretary Janine Melnitz and their mascot ghost Slimer.  Dr. Peter Venkman was the group's first-among-equals. While not their official leader, Venkman often made the decision whether or not they would take a case. He also provided comic relief and was usually nominated for tasks no one else wanted to do. Dr. Egon Spengler, a scientific genius, provided the technical expertise the group needed to understand (and many times combat) the ethereal realm. In many episodes Egon formulated the solution when all hope seemed lost. Dr. Ray Stantz was portrayed as an excitable jack-of-all-trades. He was second only to Egon in technical genius, while still remaining a child at heart. Winston Zeddemore (sometimes spelled "Zeddmore") was the courage of the group; his accuracy with the proton gun was his forte. Of all the Ghostbusters, Winston Zeddemore had the least character development in the cartoon series, even though he did star in a few episodes.
东北人民解放军 经过艰苦的转战,到1948年夏秋,已经从根本上改变了东北战局。东北97%的土地面积和86%的人口已获解放,东北解放区工农业生产发展。东北人民解放军总兵力已发展到100余万人,装备改善,士气高涨。而东北国民党军由于连连受挫,损兵折将,55万余人被分割在长春、沈阳、锦州三个互不相连的地区。长春、沈阳的陆上补给线全被截断。军心动摇,士气低落。力量对比,东北人民解放军无论是数量还是质量,都超过了国民党军,已经有实力争取一战而消灭全部敌军,解放全东北。 面对东北非常不利的形势,蒋介石很焦虑。为了保存力量,曾考虑放弃长春、沈阳、打通铁路交通线,把沈阳主力转移到锦州,伺机转用于华北、华东战场;但是又顾虑放弃东北,将会在政治上、军事上产生严重后果,因而,是撤是守举棋不定。在蒋介石对东北抉择犹豫不决的时候,毛泽东从有利于全国战局的发展,有利于东北早日解放着眼,做出了东北野战军主力南下北宁路,把作战重心放在锦州,而置长春、沈阳两地于不顾,并准备在打锦州时,歼灭由沈阳来援之敌的战略决策。并号召东北人民解放军,要树立打前所未有的大歼灭战的决心,即在沈阳敌军全军来援时敢于同他作战,将其就地歼灭。


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