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在 Netflix 动作大片《惊天营救》的续集《惊天营救 2》中,克里斯·海姆斯沃斯将继续饰演泰勒·雷克。在第一部电影的惊险情节中侥幸逃生后,雷克又卷土重来。作为澳大利亚的黑市雇佣兵,雷克接下了又一项致命任务:从监狱中解救一个被格鲁吉亚黑帮残忍虐待的家庭。  海姆斯沃斯与导演山姆·哈格雷夫再度合作,乔·罗素和安东尼·罗素的 AGBO 负责制作,乔·罗素担任编剧。格什菲·法拉哈尼将继续出演其在第一部电影中的角色,亚当·贝萨、欧嘉·柯瑞兰寇、丹尼尔·伯哈特和蒂娜婷·达拉齐施维利也将出演该片。  本片是第一部电影的续集,改编自安德·帕克斯的图画小说《Ciudad》,故事由安德·帕克斯、乔·罗素和安东尼·罗素共同创作,插图由费尔南多·莱昂·冈萨雷斯绘制。《惊天营救 2》由安东尼·罗素、乔·罗素、迈克·拉罗卡、安杰拉·拉索-奥茨特、克里斯·海姆斯沃斯、帕特里克·纽厄尔和山姆·哈格雷夫共同制作,杰克·奥斯特、本杰明·格雷森、史蒂文·斯卡韦利、克里斯托弗·马库斯和斯蒂芬·麦克菲利担任监制。
Marine Biologist Jason and his wife Abby goes to Pola, Mindoro where he is tasked to lead the rehabilitation and preservation of a fish sanctuary. There, he meets his diving assistant Dennis and the two hit it off instantly. As they work together, Jason learns bits and pieces about Dennis and his family; and Dennis is moved with Jason's passion for his work. They also find themselves in contradicting problems when Dennis got his girlfriend Tanya pregnant, while Jason and Abby have been struggling to have a baby for years, but to no avail because of Abby's illness. As days go by, Jason and Dennis develop romantic feelings for each other, eventually giving in to their sexual desires. But their affair takes an unprecedented turn when Abby finds out about Jason and Dennis' affair and catches them in the act. Abby's shock from her discovery made her illness worse, resulting in her hospitalization. Jason now has to choose between Abby and Dennis, and someone will be left brokenhearted.
这既是一部单机位情景喜剧,也是一部音乐喜剧,有些人将它看做《传说》(Once Upon A Time)和《音乐之乡》(Nashville)的结合体。著名作曲家Alan Menken和作词家Glenn Slater将为该剧谱写原创歌曲。故事描述Richard国王偷走了Ga lavant(Joshua Sasse)最心爱的女人Madalena(Mallory Jansen),Galavant发誓要报仇。Galavant是一位经典的童话英雄——风流倜傥,英勇善战。与此同时,他还具备屠龙的能力和乐善好施的好心肠。让Galavant感到沮丧的是,Madalena为了追求荣华富贵宁可跟年纪一大把的邪恶国王Richard(Timothy Omundson)在一起也不愿意跟身无分文的自己过苦日子。


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