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When Clive Trevelyan - Member of Parliament, war hero and heir apparent to Prime Minister Winston Churchill- is killed, Miss Marple sets about to solve the case. Trevelyan has made his fortune many years before in Egypt having secretly uncovered a lost tomb. He is killed during a major snowstorm when there are no police available. There are several possible suspects including Trevelyan's ward, James Pearson and his fiancée Emily Trefusis; his political agent, John Enderby; a journalist Charles Burnaby; a visiting American Martin Zimmerman; and several other apparently disinterested parties. A convict has also escaped from Dartmoor prison. Miss Marple concludes that Trevalyan's murder is related to his days in Egypt and sets about to identify the murderer.
曾经生活在各地的熊猫,在严酷漫长的冰河世纪几乎绝种,而今只在中华人民共和国的四川省才能看到这个珍惜的物种,本篇讲述的便是20世纪30年代一只被介绍到欧洲的熊猫的故事。  四川省北部的群山密林之间,小熊猫涛涛和妈妈以及金丝猴、小野兔、老羚羊等动物伙伴快乐地生活于此。春暖花开时节,熊猫妈妈被无情的猎人夺去生命,鲜血染红山谷小溪。可怜孤独的涛涛独自求生,多舛的命运却将它推向了完全陌生的欧洲,成为供人观赏的囚徒。美丽的饲养员玛丽细心照料小熊猫的起居,期间也结交到许多动物朋友。时光流转,世界动荡,涛涛一生都在思念遥远的故乡……
Spiff and Hercules is the English translation of a French comic strip titled Pif et Hercule, featuring an anthropomorphic brown-yellow dog ("Pif") and a black-white cat ("Hercule") who, despite being best friends, are constantly fighting in a friendship/hate relationship. The character of Pif was created by José Cabrero Arnal for the French Communist Party newspaper L'Humanité on March 28, 1948, and the cat Hercules was introduced two years later.  The adventures of Pif also appeared in the British communist newspaper the Daily Worker (later The Morning Star) until the mid-1970s.  Spiff later got his own magazine ("Pif Gadget"), which was very popular as not only did it include several different comic strips, but offered a toy gadget in each issue.  Hercules also got his own version of Spiff's magazine, this one called "Super Hercule", but his magazine was more joke-oriented.  A series of 65 26-minute animated cartoons featuring the characters was produced in 1989 by Europe Images/M5 in France. Each program consisted of two episodes. United Kingdom television station Channel 4 aired the series in 1993.


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