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◎简  介  剧情:  Simple, poetic legend, developing through the life and fate of a poor farming family during the period of five generations. Set in the 16th century. Based on the novel by Shichiro Fukazawa.  幕后:  1960年,木下惠介导演了根据深泽七郎原作改编的《笛吹川》。  《笛吹川》是世界上第一部、恐怕也是最后一部使用奇怪摄影技术的影片。影片用黑白胶片拍摄完毕之后,仅对那些强调作品主题思想的镜头施彩着色。因此,它既不是彩色片,也不算黑白片。如果硬要把它归类的话,也许可以说它是部水彩影片,或者可以称作南画派电影。整个影片就象文人画一样,只有部分画面着有色彩……这种制片手法耗资甚巨,使松竹公司的资方颇为吃惊。嗣后,世界上任何影片都未使用此种手法。  这部影片在摄制过程中还使用了当时尚处于实验阶段的叠影镜头,有时在摄影机上套装一个乳白色的镜头,用以拍摄特写。这一点,当时的观众可能没有注意到。但它确实生动地体现了天才木下惠介的意图。  虽然《二十四只眼睛》、《女园》以及《欢乐悲伤几岁月》等影片也获得了社会上的好评,但它们都不是反映导演内心世界的作品。而只有《笛吹川》(原作者深泽七郎)才是一部彻底反映了木下惠介内心世界的影片;甚至可以说,这部影片就是木下惠介“人生观”的体现。
在法保罗夫航空展上,一架最先进的幻影2000战机在飞行表演之时无故失踪。安东尼(伯努瓦·马吉梅 Benoît Magimel 饰)和塞巴斯蒂安上尉(科洛维斯·科尔尼拉 Clovis Cornillac 饰)奉命追踪飞机的下落,并最终找到了飞机,没想到幻影2000竟然向两人发起了攻击,无奈之中,为了自保,安东尼将其击落。  之后,安东尼和塞巴斯蒂安因为违抗军令而遭到了撤职,法国军方找到两人,举荐他们参加一场秘密的战机竞赛,他们的对手是美国方面,赢得了比赛的那一方即可获得大笔的军火订单,而安东尼和塞巴斯蒂安亦可因此官复原职。就这样,两人接收了任务,哪知道等待着他们的,竟是恐怖分子冷酷的枪口。
Adam is a teenage artist coming of age in the aftermath of an alien takeover. The Vuvv, a species of hyper-intelligent extraterrestrials, brought wondrous technology to earth, but only the wealthiest can afford it. The rest of humanity, their livelihoods now obsolete, have to scrape together money in the tourism industry. In the case of Adam and his budding love interest Chloe, that means livestreaming their courtship for the amusement of the coffee-table sized Vuvv, who find human love exotic and interesting. When Adam and Chloe's scheme goes sideways, Adam and his mother have to find their way out of an increasingly nightmarish alien bureaucracy.  Writer-director Cory Finley (Thoroughbreds, 2017 Sundance Film Festival) returns to Park City with this brazenly original sci-fi trip that features a breakout performance by Asante Blackk. Based on the novel by National Book Award winner M.T. Anderson, the film carefully threads its comedic fantasies with a morose sensibility that sends audiences on a probing exploration of class and commerce.


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