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1947年,蒋管区上海,人们高喊“反饥饿,反内战”囗号,纷纷涌上街头抗议示威。面对如此形势,蒋介石亲自下达A字命令,企图扼杀我党在经济领域的核心组织。地下党员张公甫(郭允泰 饰)在招待会上,与国民党军统督办杜康夫(初敏 饰)和警察局长严克飞(方化 饰)进行了一场无声的较量。公甫的弟弟于海宝(王志刚 饰)是我军后勤干部,闻讯来找哥哥解决部队军需,公甫为保守党的秘密而拒绝,不明底细的于海宝愤然离去。不久,交通员艾棣(刘园园 饰)前来接头,公甫和妻子王惠如(朱曼芳 饰)从她颈上的长命锁认出是自己的女儿,出于党的纪律没能认女。张公甫生活工作在群魔之中......
Made for TV drama recreating the May 1937 disaster in which the German airship the Hindenburg caught fire. The Hindenburg was the largest airship in the world and a symbol of growing German commercial and military power. Initially designed to use the non-flammable helium as a lifting gas, the US embargo on helium exports forced the use of hydrogen instead. This proved catastrophic when, docking in New Jersey in 1937, the ship caught fire and burned furiously before the eyes of the world. The drama follows some of the Hindenburg's passengers, including an airship designer, Gestapo agents and fleeing Jews, as they journey towards tragedy.  由德国人所设计的「兴登堡号」飞船,以804英尺的长度名列史上最壮观的载客飞船。它优美的外观线条加上内部一流的设备有如豪华的空中游轮,能搭乘此船可说是一生中极尽奢华的享受。然而,发生在1937年的一场重大灾难事件,彻底终止了飞船的黄金年代。兴登堡号在降落时发生爆炸意外,熊熊烈火将整艘船燃烧殆尽。  故事讲述一九三九年,一艘满载各式人等飞往纽约的德国造兴登堡飞船,在抵达纽约上空时发生爆炸,造成了历史上的大悲剧。


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