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Tom chases Jerry into a fish cannery; they get sealed into cans. Tom breaks out, but falls off a pier as the cans roll under him. A shark chases him out of the water; Tom drops an anchor on the shark. Meanwhile, Jerry has been hopping in his can; Tom opens it, and puts his finger in, which Jerry bites. Jerry tricks Tom into falling off the end of another pier, and right into the shark's path again. The shark manages to get Tom into a very precarious position, barely holding the jaws apart. Jerry takes pity, and dumps a shaker full of pepper into the shark, which ends up on the processing line and stuffed into a huge can. Tom is unrepentant, so Jerry tricks him with a fake shark fin.
这是一档快乐分享秀节目,第二季由岳云鹏担当主理人,每期一个主题,邀请不同领域的名人来到“开放麦”的舞台,分享他们的个人经历和成长故事。节目区别于“一根杆、一个麦”的单人脱口秀展示,强调用戏剧感的舞台包装,巧妙的多形式表演,帮助嘉宾呈现一场场“不一样的脱口秀”, 打造高规格、精英化的脱口秀平台,通过幽默风趣的语言传达动人的情感和多样的人生态度,给观众带去更多向上的力量。


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