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在某个孤独阴冷的夜晚,房屋的一角,汤姆蹲在收音机旁,正在听一段极其恐怖的故事。叙述者冰冷鬼魅的声调和恐怖战栗的剧情令他毛发直立,即使过着毯子也颤抖不止,关键时刻甚至从头到脚冻成了冰块。可即便如此,汤姆也丝毫没有停止的打算,他反而愈加沉浸在电台的故事之中。与此同时,小老鼠杰瑞偷偷从门缝里钻出来,他看到汤姆傻乎乎的样子心中觉得分外好笑,而各种鬼主意在他的脑瓜里酝酿出来。杰瑞先是用百叶窗弄出声响,随后将暖气中的热蒸汽喷出来,吓得汤姆不知该躲在哪里好。在此之后,杰瑞又用吸尘器假冒鬼魂吓唬汤姆。  对于汤姆来说,这真是一个恐怖而漫长的夜晚……
When a broken hearted boy loses the treasured wooden nativity set that links him to his dead father, his worried mother persuades a lonely ill-tempered woodcarver to create a replacement, and to allow her son to watch him work on it. The commission takes their relationship to unexpected places as the young client makes greater and more difficult demands of the woodcarver's ability, and as Christmas approaches, the three struggle to come to terms with each other, their painful memories and the process of putting their unhappiness behind them.  Written by Anonymous


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