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某个晚上,乔治和琼即将外出度过快乐的夜晚。琼特别嘱咐帮助照看小宝宝的妙龄少女珍妮,让她一定看好那个嗷嗷待哺的孩子。珍妮故作温顺,满口应承女主人的每一个要求。可是当主人刚刚关上房门,她就变了嘴脸,以迅雷不及掩耳的速度拿起电话,和朋友们大聊特聊起来,完全没将孩子放在心上。另一边厢,眼见主人外出,汤姆和杰瑞这对小伙伴无比开心,他们冲到厨房,放心自在地开起宴会。而就在此时,小宝宝偷偷爬出婴儿床,在房间内开始了惊险非常的冒险。可怜汤姆和杰瑞这两个家伙,一边吃东西的同时还要拯救处于危险境地的小婴儿,间或被珍妮误认为是欺负小孩的坏蛋殴打。  忙碌的夜晚,忙碌的小宝贝……
When Tommy and Tuppence visit an elderly aunt in her nursing home, Tuppence is concerned by the odd behavior of some staff and residents. So when Tuppence hears about Aunt Ada's sudden death and the disappearance of her friend Mrs Lancaster, she realizes her concerns were right. Tuppence meets Miss Marple and together they follow a path of clues that lead them to the Norfolk village of Farrell St Edmund, where they find a community guarding an array of secrets. Only by getting to the bottom of these secrets do they begin to unravel the truth about the mystery of Aunt Ada's death and Mrs Lancaster's disappearance.


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