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Lucia is single mom of a little girl that loves Christmas, Leo. One night she falls in love on a blind date with Sergio, desperate of how to tell her daughter the news; tricks her by telling her that his new boyfriend it's actually Santa. Now the boyfriend has to prove himself and convince her and he does, but eventually she finds out. The illusion breaks but the magic remains so she visits Sergio in his restaurant to give him her letter, asking not toys but a family, and they both granted her wish.
清朝顺治十四年,荆州城陷入亡明流寇的动乱中,危机四伏。端亲王命爱女新月格格(岳翎 饰)肩负起保护家族血脉的重任,带着小贝勒一起逃亡,途中遭遇寇匪,幸得大将军努达海(刘德凯 饰)出手相救。皇太后怜惜悲苦的新月姐弟,安排二人在努达海府中暂住。清丽聪慧的新月与努达海朝夕相处,互生爱恋,却碍于身份与地位而不得不隐藏情愫。努达海之子骥远亦对新月表明爱意,却遭拒绝;努达海之妻雁姬也发觉了努达海与新月之间的感情,便劝说太后降旨为新月指婚,让努达海陷入自责与痛苦中。痛苦不已的努达海主动请缨伐寇,却在兵败中生死不明。新月得知消息,抛开一切,孤身奔赴战场寻找努达海。生死关头,两人重逢,再也无法克制彼此深情,二人一起返回王府,让全家人震惊不已,遭到极力反对。负气成婚的骥远请缨远赴战场,内疚的努达一路相随,暗中保护,最后为救儿子中箭而亡。痴情新月也自刎而绝,随爱人而去。

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